Secure FTP Transfer

The old FTP protocol is not safe since the data is not encrypted during transferring or login in, Our FTP Client supports full secure FTP transfers such as SSL/TLS or SSH over FTP and password encryption to protects your information.

How to enable secure FTP transfer
To enable your site with SSL or TLS or SFTP, open the site properties dialog, there are 4 secure option in the "Protocol" combobox, select AUTH SSL or AUTH TLS options if your server provides Explicit SSL connections, or select Implicit SSL if your server provides an individual secure port, or select SSH FTP when your site is an SSH shell. The secure feature protects your data and information through SSL/TLS encryption, and it supports the Secure FXP method too.

Secure FTP support

How to enable secure FXP transfer
Not just the SSL/TLS connections for a single site, with our client, you are pleased since it provides secure FXP transfer from source server to another one too! Both CPSV and SSCN FXP commands are provided for the FXP transfers.

To enable secure FXP transfers, open the site properties dialog, make sure the site protocol is AUTH SSL or AUTH TLS or Implicit SSL first, then click the "SSL" node and select "Enable SSL transfer" in the "SSL Transfer(Server to Server)". the FTP client makes the secure FXP transfers automatically When you transfer files from an SSL FXP enabled site to another one