Server shutdown every 2 hours

Please post here if you have problems in using Wing FTP Server.
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Server shutdown every 2 hours

Post by Kr0mulous »


I recently downloaded the latest wing ftp server product from your website to evaluate before purchase.
We are running it on a server with Windows 2003 small business server.

It looks like a great product, very easy to configure and so far all testing confirms this is the product we want to use.

The issue we are having is as follows:

Prior to installing Wing FTP server our server was fine.
Now since the install the Wing FTP server software, the actual hardware server will shutdown every 2 hours.

Before I go ahead and remove Wing FTP from the server, can you tell me if this is something that is happening because I am running your product in trial mode.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Server shutdown every 2 hours

Post by FTP »

Server will shutdown every 2 hours? you mean the Windows system? If it is so, I think it was not related with Wing FTP Server, you can remove Wing FTP and check the result.