
Post here if you have some suggestions or you want to request a new feature.
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Post by overkill »

I would love to see;

- abillity to ban an IP based on login attempts by certain user names i.e., people trying to gain access via "administrator"

- abillity to unmask passwords for user accounts

- abillity to set home directories for groups and the option for the user to use the group home dir or not

Great job guys!

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Re: wishes

Post by FTP »

The first question, Do you mean that you wish to ban an IP for a certain user account or administrator? Wing FTP Server already has this feature.
The second, do you mean that you wish to setup a anonymous account? Please check the "anonymous" on in the create user window.
The third, maybe group home dir will conflict with user home dir, so we have gave up this feature.
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Re: wishes

Post by overkill »

on the first question, I would like to be able to ban an IP address automatically and permanently if they try to access the server with a certain user account. Not based on hammering just solely on trying to access based on certain names. "Administrator" for example, I do not have an account setup as "Administrator" but I do get random IPs trying to login with that name all the time.

the second question, when you set a password for a user it only shows a bunch of dots. I would like to be able to show the password (unmask) so that when someone forgets their password to my server I can look in their account to get it rather than keeping a separate file with passwords.

and the third question, In the last version of WinFTP you were able to set a home directory for a group account. When you add a user to a group there was a check box that said "use group dir" which used the group home directory so that you didn't have to specify one for every user. I really miss this functionality.

Thank you for your time
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Re: wishes

Post by FTP »

On the second question:
Wing FTP Server can not show the user's password, because it's encryped with MD5. The software do not know the original password. So you have to reset password for your user.
Thanks for your suggestions.
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