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CRC Check

Check SFV file when downloading automatically: FTP Rush has an inbuilt SFV check function which can automatically check file’s CRC checksum to make sure files are complete and accurate when you download a directory with SFV file.


Delete CRC Log file after complete: After the transfer is completed, delete the CRC check log file (Rushchk.log) which is generated by FTP Rush when checking files


Delete CRC status log folder after complete: After the transfer is completed, delete the CRC status folder(for example: [25file - 50 files - 50% done]) which is generated by FTP Rush when checking files


Use XCRC if available: if checked, after downloaded/uploaded, FTP Rush will use the XCRC feature to make sure file is ok.


Readd CRC bad file to Queues for xx times: by set a non-zero value for the times, when downloading and FTP Rush found it's Bad CRC with SFV file, then the queue will be readded to Queue window and download it again for xx times.


Do not delete downloaded files: if checked, the file be marked as bad CRC will not be deleted automatically



Enter folder after created FTP folder: when checked, after manual created a FTP folder FTP Rush will enter this folder automaticlly


Do not leave Empty Directory when Transfering: When checked, FTP Rush will to remove empty directory which made during transfering. For example, Directory is empty because of files are dupe or FTP server disk full.


Deny Create Directory has Same Name as Parent Directory: When checked, FTP Rush will to deny create directory has same name as parent directory, for example, deny create "Public" folder inside a "Public" directory.




Only Allow Transfer one SFV at Same Directory: When checked, FTP Rush will to deny uploading any sfv files to a directory exists SFV file already.


Skip All SFV files if More SFV inside a Directory: When checked, FTP Rush will to skip all SFV files if it find more SFV inside a directory when files be added to Queue



Keep File Datetime same as FTP Server when downloading: When checked, FTP Rush will to keep the download file time as same as FTP server’s.


Remove 0 byte file from target FTP when source FTP don't allow download:  if checked this option, when FXPing and source FTP download failed, FTP Rush will try to remove the 0 byte file from target FTP.


New Tab(window)

Always switch both side to remote: by default, FTP Rush remember remote/local position, if this option be checked, FTP Rush will create a new Tab(window) with both side all are remote window


Always open new tab(window) for quick connect mode: if checked. when use quick login dialog to connect a site, FTP Rush connects to this site by openning a new tab(window)

Always open new tab(window) for quick connect mode: by check this option, when you use 'quick connect' mode to connect , FTP Rush will create a new Tab(window), this option take effect of connect FTP via favorites window too