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System Tray

Minimize to system tray: Hides minimized window in the taskbar and shows icon in system tray when minimized.


Flash Trayicon when Transfering: Flash tray icon when FTP Rush is Transferring files.


Always Show Tray Icon: Always shows icon in system tray. You can access the program by double clicking the icon in system tray.



Local Window

Display the full path in the local address bar: if checked this option, FTP Rush display the full path at the local address bar, otherwise only display current folder name


Show hidden files and folders: if checked this option, FTP Rush show hidden files and folders at local file list window.


Display Mode of File Size

Bytes:  display file size by Bytes

KBytes: display file size by KBytes

Dynamic: display file size dynamic for different file size, Byte/KByte/MByte/GByte



Flash Window when transfer completed: if checked this option, FTP Rush will flash the window button on taskbar. if you have more than 1 Window(Tab) in transfering, this event will be called when they all be completed


Update downloading file size after xx seconds: if checked this option, when downloading a big file, FTP Rush will do a refresh on local file window to get new file size.


Favorites Menu

Split Favorites Menu every xx lines: if check this option, when you click the displayb1 icon, FTP Rush will splite the favorites menu if current menu list count more than the xx lines you defined


Hide history entry from favorites dropdown menu: by default, Favorites dropdown menu display history entry, if you dont like the history entry, check this option, FTP Rush will hide it


Show Quick Connect dialog entry: display 'Quick connect dialog' entry from Favorites dropdown menu


Show "Recent Sites" entry: display 'Recent Sites' entry from Favorites dropdown menu. it provides a fastest way for users to connect a visited site.



Use Gradient Color for Side Indicator: if check this option, Side indicator will be filled with gradient color, it looks more pretty


Hide Selection when List view lost focus: if check this option, when a List view lost focus, you can't see what be selected inside the list view


Always use "-" to split Left/Right site name: if check this option,