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Connection Limit

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Max number of sessions

Limit the number of sessions logged on this domain simultaneously.


Max session Per IP

Limit the number of sessions from the same IP.



Max sessions per user account

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that may be opened from a single user account.


Max sessions per IP per user account

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that a user may open from a single IP address.


Automatic idle connection timeout (for FTP/SFTP protocol)

When a client has been idle for a specific time, it will be disconnected automatically.


Automatic transfer connection timeout (for FTP/SFTP protocol)

When no data transfer for a specific time, client will be disconnected automatically.


HTTP/HTTPS session keep-alive

The HTTP session will keep-alive automatically by default, when you disable this option, the HTTP session will expire after 10 minutes of inactivity.


TLS session timeout

Default value is 3600 seconds, it means TLS session can be reused in 3600 seconds to avoid a full handshake.