void Transfer.Start()

Start processing the queue.

void Transfer.Stop()

Stop processing the queue.

void Transfer.Load(string filepath = null)

Load transfer queue from a file,  if do not specify the file path, use the default "queue.json".

void Transfer.Save(string filepath = null)

Save transfer queue to a file,  if do not specify the file path, use the default "queue.json".

void Transfer.Add(TransferItem item)

Add a transfer item to the queue.

void Transfer.Remove(TransferItem item)

Remove a transfer item from the queue.

void Transfer.RemoveAll()

Clear the transfer queue.

ObservableCollection<TransferItem> Transfer.GetItems()

Get all the transfer items.

void Transfer.TransferFile(Server sourceServer, Server targetServer, string sourcePath,string targetPath)

Transfer a file from sourceServer to targetServer.

sourcePath specify the souce file path on the sourceServer.

targetPath specify the target file path on the targetServer.

Server.Local is a special Server type, representing the local file system. You can use it to transfer file between server and local, please refer to Transfer Scripts for more information.

//This script will download "Autumn.jpg" and "Spring.jpg" from "demo.wftpserver.com" to local computer's Documents directory via FTP protocol.

Server source = new Server{ Host ="demo.wftpserver.com", Username="demo", Password="demo" };

Transfer.TransferFile(source, Server.Local, "/download/Autumn.jpg", "~Documents/Autumn.jpg");

Transfer.TransferFile(source, Server.Local, "/download/Spring.jpg", "~Documents/");   //Use the source file name

void Transfer.QueueFile(Server sourceServer, Server targetServer, string sourcePath,string targetPath)

Put a file transfer task to the queue.

It will start transferring the next time you start processing the queue.

void Transfer.TransferDir(Server sourceServer, Server targetServer, string sourcePath,string targetPath)

Transfer a directory, refer to the usage of Transfer.TransferFile.

void Transfer.QueueDir(Server sourceServer, Server targetServer, string sourcePath,string targetPath)

Put a directory transfer task to the queue.

It will start transferring the next time you start processing the queue.