void Log.Status(string message)

Output a status log to the log window.

void Log.Status(string format, params object[] args)

Same as above function, but this version takes a variable number of arguments.

//Output the current dir of first and second view to the Log window

Log.Status("First Dir: {0}   Second Dir:{1}", FirstView.CurrentDir(), SecondView.CurrentDir());

void Log.Error(string message)

Output a error log to the log window.

void Log.Error(string format, params object[] args)

Refer to the usage of Log.Status(string format, params object[] args).

void Log.Command(string message)

Output a Command log to the log window.

void Log.Command(string format, params object[] args)

Refer to the usage of Log.Status(string format, params object[] args).

void Log.Response(string message)

Output a Response log to the log window.

void Log.Response(string format, params object[] args)

Refer to the usage of Log.Status(string format, params object[] args).