• 1 File view number

for the left view

 for the right view

 If this view isn't connected to any server, the icon will be in gray.


  • 2 File view tool-bar

Switch to local mode

Show the site's bookmark menu

Up level directory


Disconnect from server

Cancel current action

  • 3 Action name indicator

       If an action is being executed, the action name is displayed, and if there is no action, the site name is displayed

  • 4 Path edit

       Fast directory switching, select a directory in the list or directly enter a directory in the input box

  • 5 File list

       File attribute list, you can sort files by attribute

  • 6 Context menu

       Transfer - Transfer the selected items

       Add to queue - Add the selected items to the queue, you can transfer them later

       Refresh - Refresh the file list, get the file list from the server again

       Create Directory  - Create a new directory in the current directory of the server, this will open the directory creation dialog

       Rename - Rename the selected item, you can only rename one item at a time

       Delete - Delete the selected items

  • 7 File view status-bar

       Shows how many files and directories are currently selected, and the total size. If no file or directory is selected, the number and size of all files and directories in the current directory are displayed