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Queue Option



Reload Un-finished Queue When FTP Rush started: by checked this option, when you start FTP Rush again, it will show a Load Queue dialog to allow you continue un-finished queue


Auto Save Queue Files: by checked this option, FTP Rush saves queue files after ANY queue be transfered and be removed from queue window


Keep Failed Transfer in Queue Files: by checked this option, FTP Rush keep failed transfer in Queue window with a queueb1 icon, this way allows you reset it to normal queue and transfer it again. otherwise failed transfer will be removed from queue window


Cycle Retry Broken Transfers: by checked this option, when a transfer broken and did not reach the Max Repeat Times, it will be moved to bottom of queue window instead of retrying transfer until it reach Max Repeat Times or be marked as failed.


Retry All Failed Transfers after Queue finished: by checked this option, when queue of ANY Tab(window) finished and exists some failed queue item, FTP Rush will reset these failed queue item and give them last chance to transfer again.


Clear Queue when Manual Switch Server: by check this option, when you click the queueb2 icon to select a FTP connection and switch it to current window, current queue window will be cleanup


Reset failed queues when queue started automatically: by check this option, when you start the queue, FTP Rush reset all failed queues to normal queues automatically


Clear container queue by manual logout a transferring site: by check this option, the current queue window will be cleanup when you disconnect from a transferring site. the queue belong to this site will be deleted automatically.


Show source/destination at transfer status log: by check this option, FTP Rush will display source/destination at the transfer status log window. for example:

      [SiteA -> SiteB] fileC be transferred with 2M/s


Repeat Times

by tweak the spin edit, you can set retry count for upload/download/FXP transfers independently. the queue transfer will be retried until it reach MAX retry count or it meet a fatal error(for example, the file not exists on server or you have no rights to download)


See Also: Edit Queue