Edit Queue

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Edit Queue


How to show the "Edit Queue" dialog

Right click on the selected queue and select "Edit Queue...", Queue Edit dialog allows you edit one or more queue item



when uploading, Source is the Local folder or file

when downloading, Source is the FTP folder or file

when FXPing, Source is the FTP you FXP from

Location source FTP name or a Local folder

Folder FTP path or Local path

Name name of folder or file



when uploading, Source is the FTP folder or file

when downloading, Source is the Local folder or file

when FXPing, Source is the FTP you FXP to

Location target FTP name or a Local folder

Folder FTP path or Local path

Name name of folder or file


Transfer Mode  change queue transfer mode, when the mode is FXP, you may use the "Invert" button to exchanges Source and Target


Ok: saves changes and close the dialog


Cancel: do not save changes and close the dialog