Find files at Sites

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Find files at Sites



Search for: search files on ftp server, supports wild cards, separate keywords by using semicolon (; )

Exclude: Narrow search results by excluding keywords

Search In: directories and subdirectories to search

Depth: Searching depth, 0 to include all subdirectories


Folder and file: searching folders and files

Folder: searching folders only

File: searching files only



Date between:  if checked, Datetime of the folder/file between the condition will be transferred

Not Older than:  this is date condition too, if matches, the folder/file will be transferred.

File size: folder/files match the range of file size will be transferred.




Display the progress of searching and search result



Search: starts searching

Stop: stops searching

Close: close this dialog



Popup menu

Right-click on the searching result listview.


Add the selected to queue: add the selected folders/files to current queue window

Add parent dir of the selected to queue: add the parent dir of selected folders/files to current queue window. it's useful if you want to transfer the whole folder instead of single file.

Copy URL: copy FTP URL of the selected folders/files to clipboard.

View File: view the selected file

Edit File: edit the selected file

Attributes(CHMOD): modify attributes of the selected folders/files

Delete: delete the selected folders/files