Terminal Output

Click the "Terminal" button on the tool bar to open a terminal window. You can open multiple terminal windows at the same time.

You can enter the C# scripts command after the ">" prompt. 

For example you can enter Print("FTP Rush") to let the terminal output the "FTP Rush" string.

If you want to enter multiple sentences in one line, you can use ";" to split them.


Use Println(string) to output the string followed by the line terminator to the terminal.

Recall Command

Terminal maintains a history of commands you have entered. Using the up and down arrow keys, you can recall previously-entered commands to the command line, edit them and reuse them.

Load Script

You can write some scripts to a file and load it into the terminal through the menu "File->Load file". Scripts file also can be loaded to terminal by "Import" function.

For example you can create a file named "LogTest.cs" and enter the following scripts.

//This script demonstrates how to use the log function.

Log.Error("Log Error Test 1");

Log.Error("{0}","Log Error Test 2" );

Log.Status("Log Status Test 1");

Log.Status("{0}","Log Status Test2");

Put the "LogTest.cs" file under the "scripts" directory of FTP Rush and enter  Import("LogTest.cs") in the command line to load this file.

This script file will output four lines of log to the log view.

Using Namespace

You can also use "Console.WriteLine" to output logs, but you must use the "using System" statement first to access the System namespace.

Similarly, if you want to use classes in other namespaces, you must use "using statement" or use global names.