You can use the command line to send a message to FTP Rush and let it execute the specified script file.

Command line format:

FTPRush.exe  filename parameters [-hide]

filename:  Run this script file.

parameters: Pass these parameters to the script file.

-hide: Do not show the terminal window, run the script file in the background.

Take the below Connect.cs as an example,  run it like this FTPRush.exe Connect.cs demo will let the FirstView connect to the "demo" site.

//This script demonstrates how to connect to a server, then change the directory.

await FirstView.Connect({~0});

if({~1} != null)




Run FTPRush.exe Connect.cs demo download will let the FirstView connect to "demo" site, then switch to the "download" directory.

Please remember you must use await to wait an operation to be finished.

Run FTPRush.exe Connect.cs demo -hide will let the FirstView connect to "demo" site without open terminal window.

Note: Command line only support Windows and Linux Platform.