Tips and tricks |
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1. Connect to FTP with SHIFT key pressed, will make a !username login to kill ghost, not all FTP Server support !username as login name, but RaidenFTPD and glftpd support it.
2. Connect to FTP with CTRL key pressed, will make a -Password instead of your real login password or remove - from your real login password. this feature is for glftpd to display or hide unuse status messages.
3. Switch FTP bookmark with SHIFT key pressed, will make both side FTP server switch to same bookmark name
4. Double click FTP folder with SHIFT key pressed, will make both side FTP change into same folder
5. If you want to specifies Folder or File applied to SkipList and AllowList in FTP.Transfer script function, simply add %F% to tell FTP Rush apply it to Files only, add %D% to tell FTP Rush apply it to Folder only. for example, %D%*2004* only match folder name include *2004*, %F%*2004* only match folder name include *2004*, |