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Use Global Setting: Use the setting from Global Option.

Use Custom Setting: Use the setting only for this site.


Max Retries: Sets the maximum number of times FTP Rush will retry connecting to a ftp server before it gives up


ConnectRetry Delay: Sets the time (in seconds) FTP Rush will wait before retry connecting


Timeout of waiting FTP reply message: sets the timeout (in seconds) when sending ftp commands to a ftp server. If no response is received for a specified number of seconds FTP Rush aborts the connection.


Resume Support

Auto detect: FTP Rush will send REST command to FTP server when connecting and gets the resume supporting information automatically

Yes: This FTP server supports Resume transfers

No: This FTP server does not supports Resume transfers


Keep Alive

Use Global Setting: Use the setting from Global Option.

Yes: enable keep-alive feature

No: disable keep-alvie feature


FEAT Option

Send FEAT command

Use Global Setting: Use the setting from Global Option

Yes: Send FEAT command when connecting

No: do not send FEAT command when connecting


when do not send FEAT command when connecting, you can set below options if server suports them

Enabled PRET Support: if checked, the PRET feature will be used, current only drFTPD supports this feature.


Use UTF-8: if checked, opens the UTF-8 mode to list FTP directory. Gene6/RaidenFTPD support this feature


CLNT: if checked, FTP Rush will tell FTP server its name and version number.


Compression (MODE Z): if checked, FTP Rush opens the MODE Z feature to speed up Listing/Transferring with compression. RaidenFTPD/Serv-U/Gene6 support this feature


XCRC: if checked, when a file be transferred, FTP Rush do CRC checking automatically.


MLSD: if checked, FTP Rush use MLSD command to listing directory instread of using LIST command. MLSD formats use the GMT timezone as datetime formats.


SSCN: if checked, FTP Rush use SSCN command to do SSL transfers for FXPing


CPSV: if checked, FTP Rush use CPSV command to do SSL transfers for FXPing