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Speed Limit

Sets upload and download speed limits. These limits will apply to all transfers.

Limit Max Download Speed to: Max Download Speed limit

Limit Max Upload Speed to: Max Upload Speed limit

Bypass Speed Limit for Local Address: If checked, FTP Rush will not limit intranet FTP's transfer speed


Filename Convert

Sets filename case conversion during transfer

Unchanged: keep original filename case.

ALL UPPERCASE: converts all letters to uppercase

all lowercase: converts all letters to lowercase

First letter uppercase: converts first letter to uppercase


Uploading and Downloading

Force Active Mode for uploading and downloading: If checked, FTP Rush will always use active mode for upload and download even the FTP sever is connected in PASV mode.


Stop and Resume if No Data Recieved: If checked, When no data is received in a certain amount of time, FTP Rush will reconnect to the FTP server and resume the queue.


When Resume Download, Roll back:  If checked, FTP Rush will roll back a certain amount of kilobyte when resume the downloading of a file.  This helps to download files correctly.


Keep Free HDD Space at least: Sets how much free HDD space need to be reserved when downloading. If sets to zero, FTP Rush will not  check the remaining HDD free space during download.


Maximum simultaneous transfers per Tab:  you can transfer multi task and browse remote file at same time. If your sites only allow one connection, just set this value to 0 then FTP Rush will use browsing connection to download/upload files for all sites.



TCP/IP Buffer Size

Sets TCP/IP buffer size. Up to 1M bytes. Warning: This is a advanced feature, except you know what you doing, otherwise keep it as default 8k size


Transfer Mode

Sets file transfer mode

Auto:  Automatically choose transfer mode by FTP Rush

Binary:  use binary mode to transfer files

ASCII:  use ASCII mode to transfer files


On Transfer Completed

Sets actions after finishing transfer

Idle: 当Stay idle on FTP server after finishing transfer

Disconnect: Disconnect from FTP server after finishing transfer