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Send PBSZ 0 after SSL AUTH: by checked this option, FTP Rush will send a 'PBSZ 0' after SSL AUTH successfully. Some FTP server requires client send 'PBSZ 0' before SSL AUTH.


Secure Data Chanel

Encrypt data when listing: by checked this option, FTP Rush will connect to FTP data channel via SSL connection when list a directory


Encrypt data when transfering: by checked this option, FTP Rush will connect to FTP data channal via SSL connection when transfering(Upload and Download)


SSL Transfer (FTP to FTP)

By default, FXP(FTP to FTP) transfers will switch to normal transfer mode without SSL encryption evenif you connect to both FTP Server with SSL connection


Do not use: by selected this option, FXP transfers do not use SSL encryption


Enable SSL transfer: by selected this option and both Server support SSL transfer(CPSV or SSCN command), FTP Rush do FXP transfers with SSL encryption



when FEAT option is enabled. FTP Rush will know how to do SSL transfers via parsing the server FEAT replies.